Law Firms

Interested in Being Super Heroes for our Members?

Help us Protect Our Communities and Members, as a Provider Law Firm

We can probably agree that getting your Law Degree was the hardest step you have had to take so far...  But, finding clients is a close runner-up...

However, we have done the hard work for you.  We have a constantly growing list of clients, throughout the UK, who are looking to us to provide them with the basics of legal services support, while many of them experience further issues that require more dedicated attention to assist them through some of life's most difficult trials!

The good news for our Provider Law Firms is that we do not seek payment for marketing their services to our members.  Our members are covering our expenses.  We simply seek some basic services to be made available to our members, with the intent that many will have further billable needs.

Let's see what we can do for each other

We offer our members legal services on a tried and tested subscription model, which has proven hugely popular in the U.S.A., and yet is unique to the UK.

Our founder spent 20 years in Chicago, gaining much experience providing legal services there, and he has brought that experience and knowledge back to the U.K.

It's a Brave New World

Remember Blockbuster?  Founded in 1985, they had over 25,000 employees by 2010, while NetFlix began growing their new streaming subscription model.  Within a few short years, Blockbuster closed all of it's corporate stores and all but a handful of it's franchise stores.

And, see what Uber has done to the private hire market worldwide...  Industries are being turned upside down through these new approaches, that appeal to a larger consumer base, and firms that were slow to keep up were left behind.

We Rely on a High Quality Provider Network of Law Firms

Law Firms are not our competition.  They are our Providers, our Partners, and our Clients!  It is simply the method of delivery that is changing.

Enlarge Your Geographic Footprint and Your Service Offerings

Partnering with Your Best Legal provides you with the opportunity to not only inherit our client list in your area, but it also provides your firm with the opportunity to generate revenue from clients that you need not service, and offer 'your' new nationwide support service to clients that you have typically turned away in the past - whether due to geography or specific area of law.

You are our Providers, our Partners, and our Clients

As we said, you are all these things.  Providing necessary legal services to our clients is the lifeblood of our business, and we look for quality providers for this.  However, you can also become Partners, referring members to our services when you are unable to meet their need through your regular channels; whether that be due to geography or service area.  We pay advance compensation on all memberships referred, up to 50% commission in fact, and then additional bonuses beyond that.  All Law Firms are allocated a Sponsor Associate who will assist on all matters regarding memberships.

You, effectively, become an Independent Associate within our team; an affiliate or referral source.  In this way, rather than denying service to enquiries, you are able to generate additional income streams through their memberships with Your Best Legal.  With various Law Firms doing this for each other, you all inherit more suitable clients within your service or geographic areas through our conduit.

You are also our clients.  We are providing you with marketing services, promoting you to our growing list of members; we just don't charge for this.

Let's Talk

We'd love to hear from you, and we'd love to explain further how this is a win:win for everyone involved.  Simply click the button below and we'll contact you as soon as possible to have a discussion.

We're Interested in Talking
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